Who is our energy consumption tracking solution intended for?

Our solution primarily targets two important players in the industry:

The role of the integrator in the industry is to design, implement, and provide support for the solutions and equipment necessary for manufacturers. The manufacturer here represents the final factory that creates a product intended for mass consumption (energy, vehicles, cheese, etc.).

Manufacturers are observing a need for optimization of their electricity consumption, as the overall cost of energy skyrockets. Our solution is optimized for integrators to install it in addition to their usual services.

What is our energy consumption tracking solution for?

The cost of electricity has been growing exponentially for several years. Industries are faced with a simple issue: a drastic increase in their electricity bills.

To address this need, our approach is as follows: to help industries map their energy consumption within their production lines.

This mapping provides an overview of the consumption of a factory or workshop. Thanks to this vision, the industrialist can then take measures related to their environment to reduce and/or optimize their consumption.

How does our energy consumption tracking solution work?

The first step in optimizing electricity consumption is to identify the most energy-intensive equipment and areas. To do this, our energy monitoring solution provides two key indicators*: 

* The indicators are automatically calculated over the period selected by the end user (1 day, 1 week, 1 month, ...).
** Our monitoring solution offers a calculated estimate of the power consumed based on a fixed theoretical voltage.

As a result, the industrial operator is able to compare the power consumed by a specific piece of equipment with its overall consumption (data present on the energy bill). The operating time of the equipment provides an additional intelligible value that will allow the industrial operator to take the necessary savings measures for their environment.
French flag

Our consumption monitoring solution

specially designed for integrators

Easy installation icon of the solution

Installation in a few minutes

Our sensors are installed around a phase in a manner similar to a clamp ammeter. This offers a simple and non-intrusive solution thus simplifying the maintenance process.
Illustration icon of the sensor's autonomy used

Battery-free and wireless sensors

In addition to being non-intrusive and non-simple, our sensors are powered by phase energy. This greatly simplifies the maintenance of the installation.
Icon representing web accessibility

Data accessible everywhere

Thanks to our software accessible from a browser, a complete dashboard is available to analyze your data.
Icon representing the technical support available from Integral System

Technical support available

Our support is specialized in effectively solving problems, ensuring proactive management of your installation.
Illustration image of the e-green sensor installed around a phase

Do you want to learn more about consumption monitoring?

We offer a free demonstration!

Contact us

Vincent Gache presenting our predictive maintenance solution at Advantech Taiwan's WPC
The experience of Integral System in hardware and software for industrial computing, combined with [the products and services] from Advantech for smart factories, allows them to create custom and sustainable solutions.

Integral System at its booth at SIDO 2023 presenting its energy consumption monitoring solution

Seen at SIDO Lyon 2023!

Our offer was presented for the first time at the SIDO in Lyon in September 2023. It was crowned with a great success. Our privileged partners as well as our clients were present to attest to the benefits of our solution.

How to equip a unit?

Install the energy sensors Illustration of the egreen sensor installed around a phase

Install the sensors around the phases of your choice.

Connect the gateway Advantech Wise-6610 LoRaWan Gateway

Power up the gateway and connect the ethernet cable.

View your dashboards Dashboard Wise-IoT

Log in to your space and view your dashboards.

Can't connect the gateway to the internet?

The industrial 4G router complements the solution! Insert the SIM card and plug in the 4G router. Then connect the ethernet cable between the router and the gateway, and you're all set! 
Advantech ICR 2000 Industrial 4G Router

Integral System has been distributing industrial IT equipment for over 20 years. Our main clients are integrators or installers. We work exclusively on a model of reselling products, services, or complete solutions to provide the greatest flexibility to our partners (white label, custom solution, support in France…). 

Enhance your service offering

by opting for our consumption tracking solution!